Thankyou for your excellent piece following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Everyone has a valid reaction and core belief at this time, which really is the end of an era, which you have respected in your writing. No doubt everyone will have differing views on the Monarchy, but I feel this as a personal loss of a great lady who has been a calm, steady and reliable figurehead throughout my life.

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The reaction of many people to the death of the Queen is worrying. Do they really not question a hereditary Head of State and all it stands for? Or are they all too busy reading the Daily Mail? The media has a lot to answer for in te way we accept a class ridden society. The Two Ronnie’s were right! Elizabeth did a very good job and my views aren’t about individuals ( except Andrew) but I hope the next generations are more cynical, as your report suggests.

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Whatever one's feelings about royalty, it is good to know that the Queen is embarking on her passage into the world of spirit embedded in a huge surge of love and warmth flowing towards her; this is what one would wish for everyone in that position; thank you for covering this momentous event so sympathetically, and with a lovely local touch.

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