We got our most recent dog from Dogs 4 Rescue, Dio , who came from Romania having been injured and whose owners couldn’t afford the vet bills. He is, quite simply, the most wonderful, loving and chilled creature. He makes me happy every single day. Emma’s charity does wonderful work and I dearly wish that all those people out there paying 2 or 3 thousand pounds for a “designer “ breed, would instead go to D4R and give one of those dogs a home.

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That’s so lovely - I hope you and Dio had a great Christmas

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Thank you for this wonderful piece. I’m so glad there are people and places like this!

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Thanks Peter! So am I

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“Hanging out with a dozen surly dogs in a field on a sunny day is such a pleasantly pointless activity it feels like something everyone should do once, like going to Paris.”

Grumpy Stu the poster dog will have a book series soon. We lost our feisty Poppy this year….I’m beginning to think a trip to Dogs 4 Rescue might be on in the New Year….& that’s what I’m meant to think, isn’t it Mollie? Very best wishes to these lovely people, their work, & the dogs. I’ve been to Paris….done that…..

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So sorry to hear that Phil & hoping you’ll be able to honour her memory by showing a dog a home? A warning though: you’ll fall in love with the dogs at Dogs 4 Rescue, so don’t expect to come away empty handed

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Lovely, heart-warming piece.

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Glad you enjoyed, Michael, and hope you had a great Christmas

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Look forward to more in 2023!

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