A very human tale, but I find it strange that four apparently able-bodied women are have not now gone back and done "their bit" to fight for their country, although they hope to return at some point without repercussions beyond personal guilt.

When the war broke out, tens of thousands (mainly women) fled westwards to comparative safety, while all Ukrainian men 18-60 years were legally forced to stay put and fight if required. The feminist west, far from demanding equal rights, appears to have to have decided that as the war was started by men, only men should die in it.

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You believe a 71 year old woman should be in Ukraine fighting?

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How about the others, dear strawperson?

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One was a minor when she left Ukraine, the other is, given the age of her child and mother - probably in her early to mid 50s.

Unsure what you have against women Andy, but its deeply unattractive.

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I'm not sure who was using the family brain cell when you posted this, but let me clarify my thoughts in the hope you will forgive my lack of intellectual attraction.

The invasion by Russia is an existential crisis for Ukraine. Aside from the massive financial and military hardware support from the west, the Ukrainians need all the (male and female) hands to the pump that they can get. So exactly what are these women doing in the UK? Is there nothing they can contribute to the war effort by returning to their homeland that remains 80 per cent unoccupied, a stat which completely undermines the notion of being a "refugee". Neither, as far as I know, is the Ukrainian state in the business of persecuting its own nationals, which would be further grounds for refugee status.

When the invasion started, 50ˆper cent of the population was allowed to flee and seek safety anywhere they could, while the other half were ordered to stay put and risk life and limb upon pain of state sanction if they didn't. Why? In the reverse situation, such massive discrimination on the part of the state would have led to howls of outrage, particularly amongst the female London media elite, and questions asked in the HoC whether the UK should commit treasure and refuge to such a country's oppressed nationals.

The article addresses none of these difficult issues.

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The article doesnt attempt to address any of that, its about the experiences of some refugees in Manchester.

If you had bothered to read more on how Ukraine is 'recruiting' into the military youd understand how asinine you sound.

Have a lovely day. I wont bother responding to your drivel again.

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