Mar 1, 2021Liked by The Mill, Dani Cole

Hi there, Just FYI. I am the 'Ron' involved in the Great Milk Machine Robbery in Percy Bros (The Hotspur Press). It was in 1965-66 when I figured out pieces of lead we used as spacing as compositors could be easily . . . ehm . . . fashioned into the size of a sixpence, the amount needed at the machine for either a large Kit-Kat or small carton of milk! Saved me and many others lots of money but nearly cost me my apprenticeship!!

Bob Cummings sent me your article. Lovely piece outlining some interesting history, some I did not know of, thank you. Back when the developers were closing in on their disgusting plans for the building I annoyed them quite a lot via emails and a couple of phone calls from here in California, where I now live. My voice appeared to be echoing back from empty heads, so it is nice to hear that they appear to have given up their shallow idea of only a shallow frontage of the building being 'saved' in their plans, and possibly they have given up altogether!!

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Ah! Hello Ron! I had such fun reading about your high jinks. If only I could travel back in time so I could join in too, it sounded like such a laugh. Thanks for taking the time to read the piece, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was hoping to sneak inside the building to take a look, but it's locked up proper. It's such a shame it's no longer filled with people or laughter. Hope all is well in California - if you ever find yourself back in Manchester then do get in touch. Dani

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Dani Cole

Dani, did you get to see the video I'd sent to Bob Cummings (fellow apprentice)? If not, this is it. I discovered quite a while back. Cheers, Ron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8lXtBbhuFg

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No, I didn't! Thanks for this, I'll have a watch. Dani

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Very sad state of affairs. Thanks for the write up Dani. I hope the building, shell or otherwise can remain in any future plans. If old buildings/mills are not retained, the city centre will just become a homogeneous sea of skyscraper apartments with no soul.

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I hope so too - even if the facade is retained and the rest is turned into flats, at least some of its history will be preserved.

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