Superb article.

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I signed up the The Mill to read people focused journalism ,even about people I don't know and never heard about. The Mill doesn't disappoint. Andy sounded like a really good person.

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Thank you for this article. It’s a really beautiful tribute to Andy and the venue. I’ve got so many happy memories of the Star & Garter, I really hope it can stay open.

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“you went into The Star and Garter and every ounce of pretension had been sucked out of the room.” Brilliant summation. Legendary venue. Lovely man. I’ve never been able to watch Chloe Sevigny ever since.

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Great article as usual. Keep up the good journalism.

A question - do any of your readers remember The Conti Club, or The Auto?

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See below Chris. Conti always a favourite with nursing staff. Auto a favourite with drag acts, e.g. Bunny Lewis.

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Yes I went to The Conti first as a student nurse about 1973, also The Auto. I later became a regular once more at The Conti in the 90s.

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So many great, yet hazy memories of Smile at the Star and Garter… first place I heard Belle & Sebastian on a night out, meeting up with friends in the snug by the fireplace before making our way up to the small bar off the dance floor, every Sunday vowing to never again to switch from beer to the double scotch and coke and always failing

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Ah, the Star and Garter... where putting ice in the drinks would have been regarded as gentrification.

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Lovely tribute to a lovely guy. I've not been in the star & garter for years - for all the reasons people stop going to things - but there was a time when I was in often enough, and every image this piece conjures is how it felt to be there.

It's not the most important thing for anyone involved right now, but I desperately hope the future of the venue preserves what he built.

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The original Conti was upstairs at St Mary’s hospital, when it was on Whitworth Street / Oxford Street , opposite the Palace. Auto was behind Manto in the corner of a small car park, long built over.

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I remember Phil.

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