Disruption at airports is quite common for a variety of reasons (e.g. weather) and I've been caught up in this at various airports over the years. The common factor is that neither airports nor many airlines don't seem to have systems in place to communicate with passengers despite having P.A. systems and numerous electronic screens of various types. Even our much maligned railway system usually makes announcements about disruption and Metrolink displays info on their departure screens. It's beyond comprehension why the air industry can't do this.

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Just wanted to counter balance the comment about Manchester Airport. I flew in on Saturday afternoon just hours before the power cut. It couldn't have been better. No queues at passport control, luggage already coming through. I was off the plane and out of the airport within around 20 mins. Problems happen sometimes, but don't knock the whole airport.

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My wife and I arrived at the airport at 4am to see a large unorganised queue formed outside the departure terminal, no signs, no tannoy messages or anything to inform us on what was happening.

As we entered the terminal we were greeted by even more chaos, to say it was shambolic would be a massive understatement, I would seriously expect better organisation in a third world country.

For five hours we stood around, no food, no water, nowhere to sit and no expectations.

What galls me most is then we get a patronising ‘I’m so sorry’ message from the airport MD, If he is sorry then let’s have action instead of words, either offer each person stuck the s##t show a free fast track pass or voucher for a free meal when next at the airport

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