A huge thank you to the Mill team for exposing this story when so many other media had ignored it. If people feel strongly about this, they should e-mail the airport or its nine local stakeholder councils - people power can effect real change here.

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The testing that is done on these monkeys is closely regulated and necessary for human safety.

There may be ways in the future of obtaining the same levels of assurance some other way. Until then I support the animal testing described in the article.

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I was saddened reading this, (we live under the flight path to ringway) But, then I look up from the iPad to see my daughter, happy, safe and well. She wouldn’t be alive without access to medication, which has probably all been tested on animals at some point in its development.

Animal testing absolutely should be avoided if there is any safe alternative, but sometimes, sadly, it has to be done, even if our city does play a small role in this.

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If human safety is predicated on utter depravity and cruelty to animals it is worthless. Who knows what price we pay for abusing the animals who are our brothers and sisters.

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So unbelievable sad. Thank you for covering this. Hope it will help bring change.

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I'm a little late late to this but I do think any future coverage should probably interrogate whether any of the secrecy, fear, and caution is not necessarily because everyone involved thinks it's morally wrong but to protect workers from any extremist fringes of animal activist circles. I remember the story of the remains of Gladys Hammond being robbed from her grave for example. Not to suggest anything about the people and groups here of course but there is some relevant history to people's reactions I think

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