Sorry to hear about the loss of your aunts and connection with your dad. Allow yourself time to grief and spend time with your memories.

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No need to apologise for putting family first.Take care of each other.

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Please don't feel you have to apologise, your touching and very interesting piece was more than enough. It was a rare thing, an article written from the heart. Your family must be very very proud of you and everything you have achieved.

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They are! Thank you for your lovely message

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My sincere condolences Joshi. Jona sounds like a great character and I understand the grief of your loss. Grief, it’ll help and appreciate your good fortune that she was such a close friend.

Thinking of you and your family.

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Look after yourself. Thinking of you at such a difficult time.

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Very touching… Jona must have been very proud of everything the three of you have achieved with The Mill. Sure your readers appreciate your heartfelt message.

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Very sad news and a lovely appreciation. Wonderful that she was thinking about you and The Mill.

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She sounds a wonderful woman who must have been so incredibly proud of you. I’ll be thinking of you and your family on Thursday.

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So sorry for the loss of your lovely aunty, but what a touching and heartfelt read for us. Thank you and will think of you on Thursday xx

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Joshi, Jona sounds like a wonderful woman - thank you that even in this emotional time you could tell us about her. I'm sorry for your loss, please take all the time you need to remember her, celebrate her life, and grieve in whatever way you need to.

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I wish you long life Joshi. What an amazing woman Aunt Jona was.

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Thank you for telling us about your aunt Jona, she was a wonderful woman and your love for her shines from your article. I know you will miss her but she will always be a part of your life. God bless

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I’m so sorry to hear this. I think it is a far greater tribute to focus on your family rather than struggle through and work (it can always wait). Looking forward to hearing about your family - I spent a year living in Prague in 1990-91 and love it still.

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So sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing, strong lady.

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A lovely piece of writing that really gave a sense of your relationship. So glad she got to hear about your success so far.

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Your aunt sounds amazing, so sorry for your loss.

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